حاكم كيبيك يريد التخلص من طالبي اللجوء كندا تمدد إعفاء الفحص الطبي للهجرة حتى عام 2029 شركة إماراتية تطلق منشأة تعدين في كندا ارتفاع نسبة الكنديين الذين يشترون سلع مستعملة لتوفير النفقات المحكمة تؤيد قرارها الذي يلزم شركات الطيران في كندا بتعويض الركاب زيادة خدمات المترو والحافلات في تورونتو إصدار عملة كندية جديدة بوزن 5 كيلو جرام! وزير الداخلية الفرنسي يأمر بترحّيل نجل بن لادن بسبب ”تمجيد الإرهاب” تونس.. قيس سعيد يفوز بولاية رئاسية ثانية وسط مخاوف على الحريات في أمتار السباق الأخيرة.. هاريس تتفوق على ترامب بـ”قدرتها على التغيير” دمية عملاقة ترعب المواطنين.. فما القصة؟ ”أقل تلوثاً”.. أول طائرة ركاب كهربائية

Emad Barsoum writes: Social Responsibility (2) and the Planet of the Apes

Both Federal and Provincial government(s) are doing a good job in their endeavors to contain the spread of the pandemic, but is it their best? Or is there more that could be done? Indeed, the relief funds that were approved to financially assist those who are suffering from the economic losses due to the Corona virus, for businesses and employees, act as a strong pain killer. But the disease still exists. In medicine, surgical interference is required to cure the problem rather than to keep providing pain killers. The longer the government waits, the heftier the bill of economic recovery will be. We can witness tremendous hike in taxes, energy prices, and even interest rates will soar. The social responsibility of governments should act beyond finding temporary relief. More strict measures must be taken to reduce the isolation time and put the society back on its normal path, otherwise, further distress will occur to a point where pain killers will no longer be effective. Strikingly, it is heard that a political party is calling people at their homes during these challenging times asking for donations!! Which is very peculiar and astonishing, it lacks any kind of social responsibility. We are not Liberal, nor Conservatives nor NDP nor any other party, we are Canadians. It is not the time for political competition or conflict, it is not the time to show who is more keen about the future of Canada, it is the time we stand together behind the elected government(s) to help them fight the unseen enemy. It is the time for our government(s) to take additional strict and exceptional measures to stop the spread of the virus and bring us back to life. It is the time to enforce stricter measures to disallow people from gathering to go shopping whilst they are from different households, as well as stopping those who meet up for social events and visit each other’s homes. Even stop businesses who are still secretly operating and conducting day to day transactions. Social responsibility is superior to democracy and freedom. Freedom should be put on hold if it will destruct the present and the future of our society. What is good about freedom on a planet filled with ill mankind, or even free of mankind! Lately I have seen footage on social media of what looked like a deserted resort, somewhere in the world, and the scene showed some monkeys taking over the place, climbing the balconies to the empty rooms, and happily taking a dive in the beautiful blue swimming pool on that resort; While other monkeys are cheerfully swimming around, like our young children did when we used to take them to the pools and beaches on a sunny summer day. Although the video seemed like an end to civilization as we know it, some people who shared it perceived it to be funny or a joke, nevertheless, it compelled me to shed a tear when I imagined that our planet could one day become the Planet of the Apes.

أهم الأخبار

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