حينما يحكم الأغبياء الدولة المدنية.. ”تعيش انت يا حاج”!! الرجل الذي حرك ... إن لم يكن جنن العالم.. الرئيس ”ترامب” خد في وشه وقال مهاجر ملخص رحلة السائح ف مصر ثقيلة هي ثياب الحملان! (قصة قصيرة) (4) هل لابد أن يرتبط مستقبل مصر بمستقبل ”الخونة”؟‎ وسائِط التواصُل وفوضى المُحتوى! اضطراب التكدس القهري كندا ترحب بالبطل ”رامبو”!! رومية ٨: لماذا ظهر الله في الجسد بتجسد المسيح؟ أشهى وأحلى من العسل

Gigi Soleman writes: CREATION

In the beginning, darkness was on the land.

Then creation began with God’s Hand.

First, God created the day full of light,

And separated it from the dark of night.

This was the First Day.

Next, God separated the sky of Heaven,

And gathered the waters with a beckon.

This was the Second Day.

Then God gathered the land and its vegetation,

And amassed the seas with a proclamation.

This was the Third Day. 

God then created the sun for light

And the moon and stars to shine at night.

This was the Fourth Day.

Next God brought forth the mammals of the seas,

And every winged bird to fill all the trees.

This was the Fifth Day.

 Then God brought forth the creatures of the land,

And God enjoyed the work of His Hand!

One thing was still missing, God knew,

The creation of man in His image through and through.

So in the image of God, man was created,

And was given dominion as God had stated. 

This was the Sixth Day.

God saw all that He had created and had made, 

The beauty of the universe elegantly arrayed.

And on the seventh day God rested.